Server: CTBAuto

Service: Techcom Automation Service

Database: sqldev2\Techcom

Schedules_vw listed all active queries will be run with schedule.

Steps to change values in database:

1. longin to the server in SSMS and locate Techcom database.

2. expand tables folder then right click schedules or z_lkp_Queries table and select edit top 200 rows

3. Most common fields to be edit in z_lkp_Queries is ExcludedPostalCodes and NotificationEmails

4a. Queries: Find the query (row) and edit the field, semi colon separated and without spaces.

      Example ExcludedPostalCodes (only affect with dialer currently): Q2W3E4;A1S2D3

      Example NotificationEmails:;;

4b. Schedules: Each query could be run in multiple schedules, find the schedule id from Schedules_vw before modification

      Weeks initiate the week of schedule (from 1 to 4), WeeksOfMonth is run for particular week only for the month (For example: 1 and 3 week Wednesday(set in Weekdays) of the month.

      NextRunDateRangeFrom/To - the date range for layout 3 and letter query (currently used for SIF queries only) for other email queries use current day if is not set.

      SendTime - send with particular time ( not using currently) scheduled to run at 9am mt everyday